Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sanctifying our Work

A reflection from In Conversation with God by Francis Fernandez

It is in the midst of our work, of our ordinary occupations, that Jesus invites us to follow him, so as to make him the center of our very existence and serve him in the task of evangelizing the world.

He chooses us where we are, and leaves us - the majority of Christians, lay people, - just where we were: in our family, in our own job, in the cultural or sports association that we belong to...so that in the very environment in which we are found we should love Him and make Him known through family ties, through relationships at work and among friends.

We must ask ourselves whether we are consistent with what it means to turn our work into a vehicle for growing in friendship with Jesus Christ, through developing our human and supernatural virtues in it.

In order to sanctify ourselves through our housework, in the office, the lecture room, driving a tractor, cleaning up a mess, or preparing dinner...our work has to be like that of the Christ.

We must fix all our attention on the Son of God made Man as he works, and ask ourselves very often, what would Jesus do in my place? How would he do my work?

All of this means working with a spirit of service towards our neighbors, with order, serenity, and intensity of concentration.

No Christian can ever think that although his work is apparently of little importance - as some might imply with their contemptuous or supercilious attitude to it - he can do it in any old way. God sees the work, and it has an importance that we cannot even suspect.

You asked what you could offer the Lord. I don't have to think twice about the answer; offer the same things as before, but do them better, finishing them off with a loving touch that will lead you to think more about him and less about yourself. -- St. J. Escriva, Furrow, 295

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